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Using Obsidian URI

Obsidian supports a custom URI protocol obsidian:// which can be used to trigger various actions within the app. This is commonly used on MacOS and mobile apps for automation and cross-app workflows.

If you have Obsidian installed, this link will open the app on your device: Click here

Installing Obsidian URI

To make sure your operating system redirect obsidian:// URIs to the Obsidian app, there may be additional steps you need to perform.

  • On Windows, running the app once should be sufficient. This will register for the obsidian:// custom protocol handler in the Windows registry.
  • On MacOS, running the app once should be sufficient, however, your app must be installer version 0.8.12 or later.
  • On Linux, there's a much more involved process:
    • First, ensure you create a obsidian.desktop file. See here for details
    • Ensure that your desktop file specifies the Exec field as Exec=executable %u. The %u is used to pass the obsidian:// URIs to the app.
    • If you're using the AppImage installer, you may have to unpack it using Obsidian-x.y.z.AppImage --appimage-extract. Then make sure the Exec directive points to the unpacked executable.

Using Obsidian URIs

Obsidian URIs are typically in this format:

  • The action is usually the action that you would like to perform.



Ensure that your values are properly URI encoded. For example, forward slash characters / must be encoded as %2F and space characters must be encoded as %20.

This is especially important because an improperly encoded "reserved" character may break the interpretation of the URI. See here for details

Available actions

Action open

Description: Opens an Obsidian vault, and possibly open a file within that vault.

Possible parameters:

  • vault can be either the vault name, or the vault ID.
    • The vault name is simply the name of the vault folder.
    • The vault ID is the random 16-character code assigned to the vault. This ID is unique per folder on your computer. Example: ef6ca3e3b524d22f. There isn't an easy way to find this ID yet, one will be offered at a later date in the vault switcher. Currently it can be found in %appdata%/obsidian/obsidian.json for Windows. For MacOS, replace %appdata% with ~/Library/Application Support/. For Linux, replace %appdata% with ~/.config/.
  • file can be either a file name, or a path from the vault root to the specified file.
    • To resolve the target file, Obsidian uses the same link resolution system as a regular [[wikilink]] within the vault.
    • If the file extension is md, the extension can be omitted.
  • path an absolute file system path to a file.
    • Using this parameter will override both vault and file.
    • This will cause the app to search for the most specific vault which contains the specified file path.
    • Then the rest of the path replaces the file parameter.


  • obsidian://open?vault=my%20vault This opens the vault my vault. If the vault is already open, focus on the window.

  • obsidian://open?vault=ef6ca3e3b524d22f This opens the vault identified by the ID ef6ca3e3b524d22f.

  • obsidian://open?vault=my%20vault&file=my%20note This opens the note my note in the vault my vault, assuming my note exists and the file is my

  • obsidian://open?vault=my%20vault& This also opens the note my note in the vault my vault.

  • obsidian://open?vault=my%20vault&file=path%2Fto%2Fmy%20note This opens the note located at path/to/my note in the vault my vault.

  • obsidian://open?path=%2Fhome%2Fuser%2Fmy%20vault%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fmy%20note This will look for any vault that contains the path /home/user/my vault/path/to/my note. Then, the rest of the path is passed to the file parameter. For example, if a vault exists at /home/user/my vault, then this would be equivalent to file parameter set to path/to/my note.

  • obsidian://open?path=D%3A%5CDocuments%5CMy%20vault%5CMy%20note This will look for any vault that contains the path D:\Documents\My vault\My note. Then, the rest of the path is passed to the file parameter. For example, if a vault exists at D:\Documents\My vault, then this would be equivalent to file parameter set to My note.

Description: Opens the search pane for a vault, and optionally perform a search query.

Possible parameters:

  • vault can be either the vault name, or the vault ID. Same as action open.
  • query (optional) The search query to perform.


  • obsidian://search?vault=my%20vault This opens the vault my vault, and opens the search pane.

  • obsidian://search?vault=my%20vault&query=MOC This opens the vault my vault, opens the search pane, and performs a search for MOC.

Action new

Description: Creates a new note in the vault, optionally with some content.

Possible parameters:

  • vault can be either the vault name, or the vault ID. Same as action open.
  • name the file name to be created. If this is specified, the file location will be chosen based on your "Default location for new notes" preferences.
  • file a vault absolute path, including the name. Will override name if specified.
  • path a globally absolute path. Works similar to the path option in the open action, which will override both vault and file.
  • content (optional) the contents of the note.
  • silent (optional) set this if you don't want to open the new note.


  • obsidian://new?vault=my%20vault&name=my%20note This opens the vault my vault, and creates a new note called my note.
  • obsidian://new?vault=my%20vault&path=path%2Fto%2Fmy%20note This opens the vault my vault, and creates a new note at path/to/my note.

Action hook-get-address

Description: Endpoint for use with Hook. Copies a markdown link of the current focused note to the clipboard, as an obsidian://open URL. Use: obsidian://hook-get-address

Possible parameters:

  • vault (optional) can be either the vault name, or the vault ID. If not provided, the current or last focused vault will be used.

Shorthand formats

In addition to the formats above, there are two more "shorthand" formats available to open vaults and files:

  • obsidian://vault/my vault/my note is equivalent to obsidian://open?vault=my%20vault&file=my%20note
  • obsidian:///absolute/path/to/my note is equivalent to obsidian://open?path=%2Fabsolute%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fmy%20note
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Last updated on 9/1/2021